Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/7e/fa/a47efa20b17b1a6e2179cad6471cab30.jpg
When virtual reality involves theaters near you, can it possibly seem any realer? And reading the auras of virtual people like Brendan, when you can cool down enough to do proper aura readings -- doesn't it seem as if reading those auras ought to be different?
Sure I followed the plot, which involves the viewer quite quick in basic (movie) issues of survival. Consequently, I never had three spare minutes for aura readings or empathic merges. Nor do I think I will be able to manage it until I've viewed the movie another couple of times. The action is only too compelling.
But right from those first few strange minutes, I realized that I was seeing actors as I'd never viewed them before: Up close, personal, bodies-in-the-round.
* Look at my aura and tell me what is necessary for me to know.
* Find all my cords of attachment and describe them to me.
* Describe what my aura presentations about my purpose in life.
* I've been contacted over the years by many aliens, viewed many UFOs. What did they do to my aura?
* I went to my healer and she told me I have a challenge at my solar plexus chakra, a brown spot over on the left. Explain to me what that brown spot means.
If you have a mixed group, adults and children, that could be just when the children are smiling.
And being an aura reader or skilled empath does not mean you have the powers of a Grand Master. Or God.
Nevertheless, the presentation showed digital images clearly enough. I realized, I've been seeing some of these in newspapers, magazines, on the Net. Undoubtedly, you have too, but probably the quality of those images didn't seize you as different. You thought, as I did, they were "just pictures."
Well, look again. The clarity of the new high-def images strikes like lightning.
Or when just the adults are smiling.
Or when the smiles are pretty faux and minimal, but the photo will concentrate on them smiles and snap them for you.
No wonder, people are wondering just what a "mighty aura reader" can and can't do.
But if you will have to go see this movie, look closely at the three stars, Brendan, Anita Briem, and Josh Hutcherson. Get a feel for the body mass index.
You can receive precise, powerful insights.
What is reasonable to expect, reading auras or doing empathic merges, at least in the ways that I educate in books like "Aura Reading Through All Your Senses"/a>and "Empowered by Empathy"?
Just as mind-boggling as the quality of the images, concentrate on the kind of work these new cameras can do for you. At the touch of a button, the camera will snap your photo at the precise moment when everybody is smiling.
And probably incredulous. In this regard, she is like others who have come to me in Aura Transformation sessions, saying things like this:
So I wonder, how will our expectations -- converted by in the present day's new technologies -- have to modify? Will it develop into harder than ever for people to be realistic about Deeper Perception?
You will find no visible fat. In the adults, at least, the presence of trainers lingers. Between genetics and train, these bodies look human but nearly aren't, so dense is the muscle, way beyond buff.
Hair and skin may look human, but think again. The finest chemical compounds money can purchase have been applied by proficient hands. Add makeup. Add exceptional without difficulty. (I especially relished the faux sweat, applied as extra layers of makeup, on the face of Ms. Briem while she supposedly withstood temperatures well above a hundred degrees.)
Then mix in the off-the-charts sex appeal of Mr. Fraser, evident even without the slightest empathic merge. All the movie's artifice only enhances his kiss-me qualities. Now here he is, in 3-D, right in the room with you.
Hilda was, needless to say, unimpressed.
Here is an example, flowers that look realer than real. Step into the bouquet with your mind and take a decent, long stretch.
Seeing all the stars in 3-D, you can identify with them as deeply as you wish. Yet you never break a sweat or ponder whether you find yourself going to lose your latest download of Coca Cola.
Never will they substitute for universal sense. You are accountable for your life and your own choices, whether you're reading an aura, having anybody else read it, or having escapist fun via in the present day's new technology.
If this is not the most convenient 3-D movie of all time, you'll have to prove it to me. The experience is like a theme park journey ride, where you get to tumble through the air with adorable Brendan Fraser.
For me, the greatest pleasure of the movie was simple. More than ever before, yet differently, it seemed as though I was in the same room with the stunning movie stars.
If movie technology is not enough to astonish you, let's talk cameras. At Narita Airport, a customary little snack shop had a display featuring Sony's latest digital cameras. High definition cameras.
Yesterday, I was reminded of this by a call from a woman, "Hilda," who reported she is planning to take one of my upcoming Intensives. But which one will have to she take, Cut Cords of Attachment in October or Empath Empowerment in September?
And this information is supposed to be in her aura?
To make a more realistic analogy, when you do aura readings, it's like playing chess. A more experienced player will have more skill than a newbie. Still, playing regular chess uses different abilities from being a Grand Master.
"I've emailed my photo to you," she reported. "Please take a look and tell me which one I will have to take. Which would benefit me more?"
Such a ride! Worth the price of admission alone, for instance, was the roller coaster ride (thinly disguised as an escape through a crumbling old mine).
If you're having a sessionwith me, or you're reading your own aura, please get this straight. An aura is not a movie, where you can quick forward to the ending. An aura is not a high-def photo, where an photograph = "everything" about you.
Man, woman, teenage boy -- we think we know what such people look like. And we know, in theory, the camera adds 10 pounds.
A video presentation was part of this display. In front of the tiny TV, I stood transfixed for 15 minutes, watching the promo play over and over in various languages. "These aren't real camera images," warned a disclaimer, in so many words. "These are computer images considering the reality that you are not really watching a camera right now but a TV screen."
It's a brave new world of technology, Blog-Buddies. Aura readings and empathic merges will stay the same, but we must modify to the relaxation.
"Please," I reported back to her. "Read the descriptions of what you will be informed in these workshops and decide which one interests you more."
The knowledge brings truth, deeper insight and model new accuracy, yet can it compete with the thrill of in the present day's new movies?
You can be a very competent chess player without being able to play 12 games simultaneously, memorize each keyboard, remember each play, calculate 10 moves ahead with 10 different possible plays.
Such weighty thoughts, while I'm having a high-tech hangover! Last evening a loved one took me to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth."/a>
Yet it will not be. You and I will still have to settle down, use a technique, choose one databank at a time. We'll find a mix of gifts and stuff. We can go through the 50 databanks in any leading chakra, perhaps sampling the practical categories that you be informed to peg in "Read People Deeper."
I wonder how many viewers recognize just how strange those bodies are. In Japan, I'd been reminded by my encounter with aura reading the famous rock superstar recounted here.