Outbreaks of herpes are lesions that can be found on the genitals or around the pubic areas. When the outbreaks are finished the virus lies dormant in the nerves, normally until your immune system gets lowered by stress or sickness, causing another outbreak. This is why it is not easy to find a cure for herpes, it does not live in the cells it hides in the nerves when dormant.
A Cure For Herpes Research
Scientists are working hard to try to find a herpes cure. As of now the only form of medication is that which helps suppress the herpes outbreaks as well as topical treatments to kill the virus once it does make an appearance.
Many people wonder if the medical industry is actually making any progress to find a cure for herpes. In reality herpes is going to be very hard to cure, because it is a virus. Typically we have to rely on our bodies to suppress these viruses. So when talking about herpes, when our bodies go to fight the infection, the virus retreats back into the nerve endings and lies dormant. It is safe there from attacks by the immune system , and the only time that herpes is made known again is when another herpes outbreak occurs.
Herpes Cure Remedies
Medication is currently the only solution that we have for herpes. Antiviral medication can sometimes suppress the herpes outbreaks (but not cure herepes) and (sometimes) keeps the condition dormant. However exposure to lots of stress can still cause the virus to come out of the dormant stage. As of now there are no approved herpes vaccinations; however scientists are testing vaccinations on willing participants.
There is not a herpes cure, but precautions do work...
Just using some good old fashioned level-headedness will help to protect you from infection. Always have protected sex. This won't protect you 100% but will help in most cases.
Oral sex will also spread the herpes virus. By using a condom you will prevent the transmission of herpes in this manner. It is simple to do and whilst it is not a herpes cure, it will at least prevent you from contracting or spreading the herpes virus
If you are searching for an absolutely sure way to avoid getting herpes, you will need to consider abstaining from all sexual contact.