Sunday, April 8, 2018

What are Elemental Spirits

What are Elemental Spirits

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Another method that often works with Mustika Pearl is to sleep with it and ask it to communicate with you in dream. Of course this depends on you learning to remember your dreams.

Working with elementals.

They can be invoked and encouraged to temporarily inhabit some object prepared by the magician, so that they stay and help the magician in some specific way. The most permanent house for an elemental will be a Mustika Pearls. These form within the body of an animal when the elemental spirit has been living in that animal for some years, forming a symbiotic relationship, in which the animal is strengthened, and the elemental also learns some interesting powers from the animal. These elementals that determine to work outside there own world to form such relationships are most handy to us. When the animal dies, the spirit wishes to continue to work and learn and so becomes a willing partner to its human keeper. Possessing a Mustika Pearl opens someone to all kinds of spiritual help. The elementals may or may now not have names in their own language, but once they chose to work with a human, they take on a name, often of a well acknowledged saint or master.

Once you have the help of an elemental, it truly is straightforward to work with. You only have to hold it and request its help. During rituals you may hold the elemental and talk to it about what you are doing, and then let it work with you within the ritual. When carrying it, you can tell it what you would need and it will work with you quietly. For example, if you are about to enter a meeting and need your authority activated, you can just tell the elemental, and it will blend with you and provides you more authority at that time. Or you may well be meeting someone you have a romantic interest in, and you tell the elemental to increase your magnetism and attract that human being. It will then do so while you are talking to the human being. For mystical development, you should hold the elemental while meditating. Ask it for help, and allow it to blend with you while meditating. It can be used alongside mantras, or any different method of development. Sometimes you might have considered trying to develop a clearer communication with the elemental spirit. This can be done while meditating with it. Just center around the spirit and allow your mind to be drawn into it. Be patient. As you relax and empty your mind, the spirit will begin to give you impressions. With a little practice, it will be talking to you and showing you images. You can speed up this process by making a place between the worlds to meet the elemental in. All you would need to do is think of a place in nature where you are sitting, and invite the spirit to come and talk with you here. This can be done with the elemental in a mustika pearl or Bezoar stone, or out in nature, where you just sit where you feel the presence of an elemental spirit and open up communication with it.

The fire spirits or salamanders provide passion, motivation, will and are the bring about of most impulses. They enter adolescents at puberty to develop the will and sex drive, and bring about them to rebel against authority so that they can discover their individuality. They appear as sudden bursts of heat, but as we encounter them they take form from our own minds and most often take the form of the lizard of the same name. They can help us develop will, courage, authoritative bearing, passion, sexual prowess, and provide us with raw power. The same will more highly developed gives us our magickal power. The air spirits or sylphs are instruments of light that produce inspiration and feed the mind. They appear as very ethereal light beings, very much like the traditional childrens book faeries, although real faeries are something quite different. They can help us with our spiritual and mystical development. Spirits of akasha do now not as a rule take a form, but those that live in a mustika pearl may take the form of the animal they lived in. Imps can free us of any limitations in our consciousness, dark elves are powerful protectors and can spoil any invading energies or entities. There are different akasha spirits that are instruments of pure magickal energy. Akasha spirits are the hardest to discover in nature, and the only way we have them as allies is when they form a Mustika Pearls in an animal or plant. Elementals are present whenever magick is worked.

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